Amiga Format CD 47
Amiga Format AFCD47 (Issue 131, Xmas 1999).iso
< prev
Text File
377 lines
;; Install-NewsRog - NewsRog installation script for Installer
;; Copyright © 1998 ShadowWorks Software, All Right reserved.
;; Use following Icon tooltypes / Command line options:
;; APPNAME=NewsRog
;;-- declare procedures ------------------------------------------------------
(procedure P_Abort abtmsg
(transcript abtmsg)
(abort abtmsg))
;;-- initialization ----------------------------------------------------------
(set locale 0)
(set src-floppy 0)
(set @default-dest "RAM:")
(set @app-name "NewsRog")
(if (exists "C/unzip")
(set src-floppy 1))
;;------------------------------ english messages ----------------------------
(if (not (= @language "english"))
(P_Abort #halted))
(if (= @language "english")
(set #welcome (cat "Welcome to the " @app-name " installation "
(set #bad-MUI (cat "You need at least MUI 3.8 to use " @app-name))
(set #bad-OS (cat "You need at least OS 3.0 to use " @app-name
(set #dir-choice (cat "Select the directory where the " @app-name
" Directory will be created."))
(set #copy (cat "Copying " @app-name "..."))
(set #unzipdocs (cat "Extracting documentation..."))
(set #unziplibs (cat "Extracting libraries..."))
(set #wbstrt (cat "Installing " @app-name " in WBStartup"))
(set #diricon (cat "Installing directory icon..."))
(set #doc-copy (cat "Copying Documentation..."))
(set #tooltype-prompt (cat "Setting tooltypes..."))
(set #update (cat "Updating "))
(set #browser-prompt (cat "The HTML documentation is best read with a web "
"browser such as IBrowse which supports "
"tables. Enter a the command used to send a "
"URL to your web browser. A %s will be "
"replaced by the URL of the NewsRog "
"documentation. For example, for IBrowse you "
"might enter\n\n"
"Work:IBrowse/IBrowse URL %s"))
(set #replbr-prompt (cat "A browser invocation line already exists. Do "
"you wish to update it?"))
(set #reinst-prompt (cat "The " @app-name " directory was last "
"installed in %s. Do you "
"wish to use this location again?"))
(set #shutdown-prompt (cat "If NewsRog is running, it must be stopped "
"before this installation. Continue?"))
(set #halted (cat "Installation halted."))
(set #badarch (cat "Bad archive. File paths and empty directories "
"must be preserved when unarchiving NewsRog.lha!"))
(set #disk1 (cat "Please insert the disk labelled NewsRog_1."))
(set #disk2 (cat "Please insert the disk labelled NewsRog_2."))
(set #bad-instdir (cat "NewsRog cannot be installed into the same "
"directory as the install archive was "
"extracted into. Please chose a different "
"destination for the NewsRog installation."))))
; Installation procedure
; -- check for existance of MUI: ---------------------------------------------
(welcome #welcome)
(if (< (exists "MUI:") 2)
(P_Abort #bad-MUI))
(if (< (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 2555904)
(P_Abort #bad-OS))
(if (not (askbool (prompt #shutdown-prompt)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)))
(P_Abort #halted))
; -- check for proper archive ------------------------------------------------
(if (= src-floppy 0)
(if (or (not (exists "/MUI/S5697_NNews.mcc"))
(not (exists "/ARexx"))
(not (exists "/C"))
(not (exists "/C/FlushLibs"))
(not (exists "/Catalogs"))
(not (exists "/Contrib"))
(not (exists "/Icons"))
(not (exists "/Images"))
(not (exists "/Install"))
(not (exists "/MUI"))
(not (exists "/Filters"))
(not (exists "/Objects"))
(not (exists "/Projects"))
(not (exists "/Projects/Project.Default.Orig"))
(not (exists "/Reginfo"))
(not (exists "/Remove")))
(P_Abort #badarch)))
; -- select our install dir --------------------------------------------------
(set LastDir "")
(set NR-Dir "")
(if (exists "ENV:NewsRog/NR-Dir")
((set LastDir (getenv "NewsRog/NR-Dir"))
(if (not (exists (tackon LastDir "NewsRog/NewsRog")))
(set LastDir ""))))
(complete 10)
(set Reuse 0)
(if LastDir
(if (askbool (prompt (#reinst-prompt LastDir))
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1))
((set Reuse 1)
(set NR-Dir (tackon LastDir "NewsRog")))))
(if (= NR-Dir "")
(set NR-Dir
(tackon (askdir (prompt #dir-choice )
(help "")
(default "SYS:Utilities")
; -- Check for overlapping install dir ---------------------------------------
(if (exists (tackon NR-Dir "Install/Install-NewsRog"))
(P_Abort #bad-instdir))
; -- copy our files into place -----------------------------------------------
(complete 20)
(set @default-dest NR-Dir)
;; -- save old program icon, if there is one ---------------------------------
(if (exists (tackon NR-Dir "NewsRog.info"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon NR-Dir "NewsRog.info"))
(dest "T:") (newname "NewsRog.info.orig")))
(if (exists (tackon (pathonly NR-Dir) "NewsRog.info"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon (pathonly NR-Dir) "NewsRog.info"))
(dest "T:") (newname "NewsRog.info.dir")))
;; -- copy all of our files to the destination directory ---------------------
(if (= src-floppy 0)
;; -- source is not on floppies ------------------------------------------
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/") (dest NR-Dir)
(choices "ARexx" "Catalogs" "Contrib" "Docs" "Remove" "NewsRog" "MUI"
"RegInfo" "Projects" "Objects" "Filters" "ReadMe.MUI"
"ReadMe.TXT" "C" "Icons" ".sig"))
(if (exists "/NewsRog.key")
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/") (dest NR-Dir) (optional "nofail")
(choices "NewsRog.key")))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/") (dest NR-Dir) (optional "nofail")
(choices "Images"))
(prompt #copy-edit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/MUI/TextEditor.mcc")
(dest "MUI:libs/mui"))
(prompt #copy-edit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/MUI/TextEditor.mcp")
(dest "MUI:libs/mui")))
;; -- else, source is on floppies ------------------------------------------
((askdisk (prompt #disk1) (help @askdisk-help) (dest "NewsRog_1") (assigns))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(infos) (optional "nofail")
(source "NewsRog_1:") (dest NR-Dir)
(choices "Images"))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "NewsRog_1:C/UnZip") (dest "t:"))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "NewsRog_1:") (dest NR-Dir)
(choices "ARexx" "Catalogs" "Contrib" "Remove" "NewsRog"
"RegInfo" "Projects" "Objects" "Filters" "ReadMe.MUI"
"ReadMe.TXT" "ReadMeZip.TXT" "C" "Icons" ".sig" "NewsRog.key"))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "NewsRog_1:") (dest NR-Dir)
(choices "Docs.info"))
(working #unziplibs)
(cat "t:unzip -o -qq NewsRog_1:Libs.zip -d " NR-Dir))
(prompt #copy-edit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcc"))
(dest "MUI:libs/mui"))
(prompt #copy-edit)
(help @copylib-help)
(source (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcp"))
(dest "MUI:libs/mui"))
(complete 50)
(askdisk (prompt #disk2) (help @askdisk-help) (dest "NewsRog_2") (assigns))
(working #unzipdocs)
(cat "t:unzip -o -qq NewsRog_2:Docs.zip -d " NR-Dir)))
(makedir (tackon NR-Dir "ServerGroups"))
(complete 90)
;; -- restore original program icon, if we had one ---------------------------
(if (exists "T:NewsRog.info.orig")
((copyfiles (prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "T:NewsRog.info.orig")
(dest NR-Dir) (newname "NewsRog.info"))
(delete "T:NewsRog.info.orig")))
; -- remove TextEditor in PROGDIR:MUI ----------------------------------------
(if (exists (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcc"))
(delete (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcc")))
(if (exists (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcp"))
(delete (tackon NR-Dir "MUI/TextEditor.mcp")))
;; -- copy or restore directory icon -----------------------------------------
(if (= src-floppy 0)
(set info-src "//")
(set info-src "NewsRog_2:Distrib"))
(if (exists "T:NewsRog.info.dir")
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source "T:NewsRog.info.dir") (dest (pathonly NR-Dir))
(newname "NewsRog.info"))
(prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source info-src) (dest (pathonly NR-Dir))
(choices "NewsRog.info"))
(tooltype (dest (tackon (pathonly NR-Dir) "NewsRog"))
(prompt #diricon)
(complete 95)
; -- add or update the browser launcher script -------------------------------
(set DocLauncher (tackon NR-Dir "Docs/English/NR-Main"))
(set UpdateLauncher 0)
(if (exists DocLauncher)
(if (askbool (prompt #replbr-prompt)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1))
((delete DocLauncher)
(set UpdateLauncher 1)))
(set UpdateLauncher 1))
(if UpdateLauncher
((set LaunchCmd (askstring (prompt #browser-prompt)
(help @askstring-help)
(default "Work:IBrowse/IBrowse URL %s")))
(textfile (dest DocLauncher)
(append (cat ";!c:execute\n"
"stack 64000\n"
"set wd `cd`\n"
(LaunchCmd "file://localhost/${wd}/NR-Main.html")
; -- Copy Project.Default, if none exists ------------------------------------
(if (= src-floppy 0)
(set proj-src "/Projects/Project.Default.Orig")
(set proj-src (tackon NR-Dir "Projects/Project.Default.Orig")))
(if (not (exists (tackon NR-Dir "Projects/Project.Default")))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy) (help @copyfiles-help)
(source proj-src)
(dest (tackon NR-Dir "Projects"))
(newname "Project.Default")))
; -- create env vars ---------------------------------------------------------
(complete 98)
(makedir "ENV:NewsRog")
(makedir "ENVARC:NewsRog")
(if (exists "ENV:NewsRog/NR-Dir") (delete "ENV:NewsRog/NR-Dir"))
(if (exists "ENVARC:NewsRog/NR-Dir") (delete "ENVARC:NewsRog/NR-Dir"))
(textfile (dest (tackon "ENV:NewsRog" "NR-Dir"))
(append (pathonly NR-Dir)))
(textfile (dest (tackon "ENVARC:NewsRog" "NR-Dir"))
(append (pathonly NR-Dir)))
(run (tackon NR-Dir "C/FlushLibs"))
;; -- cleanup -----------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= src-floppy 1)
(if (exists "t:unzip") (delete "t:unzip")))
(if (exists "T:NewsRog.info.dir") (delete "t:NewsRog.info.dir"))
(complete 100)